

Popon (artemisia dracunculus), aka Tarkhun, aka spicy wormwood, grows in the territory from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean. In Rus’, the people called Brozon and Dragunta. According to legend, he got his name “Dracunculus” because of a peculiar shape of leaves resembling the tongue of a small dragon. This perennial plant grows a bush to a height of one-month-old meters and blooms from July to September. Pale yellow inflorescences closer to the fall become slightly reddish. Traditionally the birthplace of the stage is Asia, namely, the Mongolian steppes and the south of Siberia. In the wild, he is everywhere found in Turkey, Mongolia, North China and North America. But do not forget that the estron is widely used in medicine and cooking. Therefore, he is cultivated in many countries of Europe, Asia, North and South America; Naturally, there are many types of popgon – sharp Mexican, more tender French, etc. On the territory of Russia, it can often be found growing in the gardens – the stage is unpretentious, can grow both in the shade and in the sun, does not require frequent watering. The lifespan of the bush is about 10 years, but it is noted that after 3 years the estor to some extent loses its taste. For culinary purposes, young leaves and shoots cut off in the spring and early fall are used. To get soft fragrant leaves all the time, you need to cut off the shoots as often as possible and not at the very ground, but at an altitude of just more than 10 cm from the root. The use of the stage in cooking pleasant taste properties of the stage were noticed in the Middle Ages. The stems of the plant were thrown into a stew, added to dishes of vegetables, and juice with a pleasant aroma and bitter taste was added to drinks. In modern cooking, estraon is used in the form of fresh and dried greens, essential oil and juice. The green leaves of the stage serve as an excellent addition to the summer salad and are perfectly combined with other spices. The aroma of leaves will be stronger if you sprinkle them with a drop of lemon juice. They are also used for the preparation of varies (sauerkraut, salted tomatoes, etc. P.) Both dried and freshly chopped by the stage leaves will be needed for the preparation of dishes from poultry, fish, rice, etc. D. It should be noted that when drying, the aroma of grass weakens, so they use mainly fresh shoots and leaves in food. A small young escape can be used to give aroma vinegar, wine or prepare a mustard with a stage. In the Caucasus, the estrogon is rubbed with fish and meat before pickling, mainly due to its antibacterial qualities. The stage is good in combination with almost all products. This plant has found its application even in confectionery industry and perfumes! Passo essential oil – truly a unique product. It has a soft tart aroma with a subtle bitterness. The composition of the oil includes several vitamins and elements, in particular, it has a lot of carotene and vitamin C. This explains the surge of vigor and energy that occurs after a meal with a dish with a poplon leaves or the addition of this plant in the food of the essential oil. If you add a small amount of juice from the fox leaves to the summer cool kvass or tea, you get a tasty, tonic and general strengthening drink. Green healer Therapeutic properties of the stage have been known since time immemorial. He was taken under insomnia, apathy, bad appetite, he successfully healed head and toothache. The estraon (fresh) owes its wonderful properties to vitamins, A, B1, B2 and Vitamin C, as well as minerals – calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. It is possible that in the treatment of symptoms of chronic fatigue, the green pharmacy on the windowsill or in the garden can be much more useful than antidepressants. But that’s not all. A decoction of floral leaves has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the female body, facilitating painful periods and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. It is known that the estron strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Another useful property of the stage – in combination with certain herbs, it can replace salt, which is a particularly important property for hypertension.