
Parquet for the kitchen: how to choose the right?

The kitchen is a kind of room intended not only for cooking and eating, but also for sincere conversations with friends and relatives behind a cup of hot aromatic tea, so this room should look if not impeccably, then at least comfortable.

So that your kitchen is stylish and beautiful – you need to think carefully about the finishing materials that you are going to decorate it, including the floor covering, which you can use the parquet for the kitchen.

Of course, the parquet in the kitchen looks rather strange, since it practically does not tolerate high humidity and constant wet worships that are characteristic of this room, but if you want to get this flooring, then there are no barriers to you.

Manufacturers of the parquet board provided for almost all the addictions and preferences of their buyers, and therefore they process parquet planks with a special protective composition, which is not afraid of neither fumes nor frequent humid days. Of course, a similar type of flooring for the kitchen is a little more expensive, however, the service life of such a parquet is significantly higher.

However, it is not enough to choose a variety and a way to lay this flooring, you need to choose the right color of the parquet, which will perfectly fit into the style design of your kitchen, which is somewhat more complicated. To create a aura of calm, comfort and truly homemade comfort in your kitchen-you best suit you with a parquet of light discreet shades, which will perfectly combine with tiles of cream and peach shades.

If your kitchen is decorated in modern and fashionable modern style, then look at the parquet made in non -standard and causing shades – black, gray, silver, with various patterns and drawings. To give the kitchen shade of aristocracy, brown colors of parquet are suitable.

It should also be mentioned about the proper care of the parquet in the kitchen – after all, the duration of its service life depends on this to the main extent. As mentioned earlier, the parquet for the kitchen has a specialized protective coating, which reliably protects it from wet fumes, so to maintain the gloss and clean the floor covering do not be afraid to carry out wet cleaning at least once a week. It should be remembered that it is recommended to use a weak soap solution that cleanses dirt well and does not harm the protective coating.