Longan is the unusual exotic fruit, which is distinguished by an exquisite taste and grows in China. However, there is evidence that it was also found on the territory of Burma, and today it is very popular and quite common in this region. The name “Longan” is Chinese and translates as “the eyes of the dragon”. The Chinese love Longan very much, it is considered to be not only a very tasty delicacy, but also with a drug of traditional medicine, and a source of many vitamins. Today you can meet this fruit in Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan. Longan grows with clusters, like grapes, on tall evergreen trees. The color of the peel of the fetus can vary from reddish-yellow to a dark brown shade, it is quite dense, but thin, it is cleaned easily. Longan pulp is very bright, juicy and incredibly tender. The taste is sweet with a light musky flavor. In the middle of the pulp is a large black bone. What longan Longan consists of is a watery fruit, the pulp of which is more than 80 percent consists of water. 14 percent of the fruit are carbohydrates, there are much less proteins, only 1, 3 percent, and there are practically no fats (0, 1 percent). The fact that Longan is rich in a variety of vitamins, including C, B1, B3, B2. It also has quite a lot of macro- and microelements, for example, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc. However, the most in Longan potassium. For many people, it is important that all the benefits of the login are enclosed in a fruit with a low calorie content – about 60 kcal per 100 g of pulp, while the same amount of flour products contains about 400 kcal. The special properties of Longan due to the fact that Longan has a lot of minerals, riboflavin, polysaccharides and vitamin C, this fruit is able to support the overall health of the whole organism. A number of clinical studies also showed that Longan is able to slightly slow down the aging of cells, since helium, carilance and ellagic acids acting on all cells as antioxidants are saturated. In addition, such substances positively affect the liver and other organs, are able to protect the body during chemotherapy. The Chinese also consider Longan a product with a noticeable tonic effect. It is often recommended to eat people suffering from diseases that are accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, visual impairment and tachycardia. In addition, Longan’s positive influence on the gastrointestinal tract is noticed, since it activates the work of both the stomach and the intestines. Among the special properties of Longan, it should be noted the antipyretic effect, and a calming effect, and the ability to improve memory and concentration of attention. How to eat Longan as a rule, Longan, as, however, all other fruits, eat raw food. In Thailand, dishes, which include Longan, are very popular. It is often served simply with ice, but often with rice and coconut milk as a dessert. Also, a great sweet drink that can refresh and increase appetite is obtained from Longan. Preparing such a drink is very simple as ordinary compote. Also, the fruits are often eaten in dried form, since they do not lose their special taste properties, nor useful qualities. It is curious that they like to serve Longan with very sharp hot dishes, and is also used as the basis for fish sauce. Also, salads are prepared from Longan and, of course, the most diverse desserts: pancakes, ice cream, buns, etc. P.