
How to twist a hoop correctly

Regular hoop exercises help lose weight and look more harmonious. In addition, classes with hula hup do not take much time. It is enough to devote at least 20 minutes a day to achieve visible results in a month.

The main mistake of newcomers in the engagement with a hoop is incorrect breathing. The basic principle of proper breathing: if the muscles are strained, you need to exhale, relax – inhale. At first you need to carefully monitor this, but over time, proper breathing is in the habit. It is impossible to twist the hoop for a long time, you need to take breaks and relax the waist.

Among the main advantages of exercises with a hoop, the following can be distinguished:

If you regularly twist the hoop correctly, your respiratory and cardiovascular systems train.

During classes with hula hup, calories are actively burned, which contributes to weight loss.

Hula huup exercises contribute to the work of the vestibular apparatus.

There are several of the most popular hoop models:

Ordinary. Such a hula-hupe is made of plastic or iron, while inside it is empty.

Folding. It is made the same way, but it can be folded twice or four – ideal if there is nowhere to store it.

Weighted. Such a hoop usually has a weight from 0. 5 to 2 kg. This hoop model is more preferable, because during class it massages the hips and waist, which provides a stronger load. If desired, the usual hoop can be made in weighted, pouring sand or peas inside.

Massage. Such hoops have special massage balls.

How to twist a hula-hup

The main thing when classes with a hula hup is to twist it correctly, only in this case the training will be as effective as possible and bring the desired result. If you regularly twist it correctly, you can not only lose weight, but you will massage the internal organs. In some female diseases, doctors recommend correctly twist hula-hup regularly.

Hula-huup training should last at least 20 minutes. You can start with a short duration and gradually increase the time to the desired.

Girls who want to lose weight in their stomach often ask how to twist the hula-hup at the waist correctly. In this situation, the hoop is indeed the most correct choice, because with its help you train all the abdominal muscles and muscles. In addition, you need to remember that the already you put your legs, the more difficult it will be to maintain balance, and this will include additional muscles in the work.

During the training, do not forget to follow the correct breathing: twist hool-huup, breathing little, very harmful. It must be twisted quite energetically, but at the same time you need to move the body minimally. If you “hang out” a lot, the spine may suffer.

If your goal is to lose weight in the hips, hula-hup will help you. First, try to twist the hula hup on your hips. Not everyone succeeds due to the anatomical features of this part of the body. Even if you twist the hula-hup at the waist, you can strengthen the buttocks and hips. The main thing is to do it right. Also, pay your attention to hula hoops with massage balls-with their help you can make the skin elastic and get rid of cellulite.

Many people want to twist the hoop with the aim of losing weight, but if you do not do it right, there will be no result. For such classes, it is best to purchase a weighted hoop, since with its help you can more correctly distribute the load. In addition, it affects the muscles more intensively, moreover, it is more difficult to twist it – which means that you will spend more calories more. The lesson should last at least 20 minutes. Only after 20 minutes of exercise does the body begin to spend fat, so the longer training, the better. The legs need to be put on the width of the shoulder, while the hands are clutching in the “castle” and put on the back of the head. During training, it is recommended to lower the hoop to the knees and lift it to the chest.