Difficulties of drilling holes in ceramic tiles are associated with the features of its structure. The top layer of tiles is simultaneously very durable and very fragile, which can lead to its split when improperly drilling. That is why it is important for the home master to know how to make a hole in ceramic tiles correctly.
The traditional technology of drilling holes in stone, brick or concrete does not work here. One of the ways of drilling ceramic tiles provides for a small pothole at the site of the future hole using a drill with a special diamond or winning tip and hammer. This operation must be done extremely carefully so as not to split the tile. The pantry done will ensure a stable position of the drill with subsequent drilling. In this case, it is necessary to turn off the shock effect on the drill.
If the tile is already glued to the wall, then the intended hole is best done with a hand drill, where a drill with a winning tip is inserted. However, in this way only a small hole can be made. The core with a large diameter occurs on sale infrequently and cost quite expensive. But they can be useful to you in order to make a hole in the tile.
Here are some more methods of making a large diameter in tiles. In the first case, before laying, it is necessary to cut the tile in half and then use the nippers to remove fragments of the hole from each half. Accuracy and accuracy here are hardly observed, but the goal is achieved.
The second method will require much more time, since many small ones will have to drill out the contour of the alleged large hole, after which this fragment must be carefully removed.
In order for the edges of the resulting opening to be even, they should be treated with an abrasive bar. The third way, according to many experts, seems to be the most optimal, since it does not require large material costs – using a ballerin.
For greater convenience, the contours of the future opening are better to outline on both sides. As a result, you get the required hole with even edges. The fourth way is the most effective and simple. For its implementation, it is necessary to purchase a diamond crown – a special tubular segment drill designed to drill holes in natural stone, glass, ceramic tiles and concrete. In this case, the high cost of the drill will be compensated by the speed and quality of the work performed. All that is required is to select the desired diameter of the crown and accurately determine the place of the hole.
As you can see, the technology for making holes in the tile fraught with certain difficulties even for an experienced repairman.