
How to get rid of sweatiness of your legs

Did it happen that sitting in the cabin, resting with your knees in the back of the chair opposite, you dreamed of only one thing – just to remove your shoes and just stretch your legs … But you could not afford it … And the reason is so banal and so unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that I don’t want to talk about her.

So the sweating of the legs. And all our fears associated with this. How to get rid of it?

How to get rid of sweating legs: a little theory.

Sweating is the natural function of the body, one of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. Sweating is divided into thermoregulation, psychogenic and food. Psychogenic sweating occurs with mental, emotional stress, has a different intensity and localization – it can intensify both throughout the body and on local areas of the body, for example, on the palms, feet. Eating sweating is associated with the use of a number of food products: hot, alcohol, sharp.

How to get rid of sweatshirts: root cause.

Increased sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can occur as a result of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, feverish states, disorders in the endocrine system. Also, there is physiological hyperhidrosis – an increase in sweating during menopause, before and during menstruation, with excess body weight, during pregnancy.

The cause of sweating of the legs can also be: closed shoes, shoes made of synthetic materials, non -compliance with personal hygiene, fungus.

How to get rid of sweatiness of the legs: treatment.

To get rid of the sweating of the legs, it is necessary to know the cause of its occurrence, depending on which the specialist will propose comprehensive treatment consisting of general and local therapy. Treatment aimed at the general effect on the body consists of the appointment of soothing agents, such as preparations of motherwort, bromides; tranquilizers; Vitamin A, B1, B6, B15, E, Nastya, Calcium preparations.

Local therapy will help get rid of the sweating of the legs mainly due to the use of antiperspirants. To get rid of the sweating of the legs, you will be invited to use drugs containing formaldehyde, aluminum salts, zinc, salicylic acid, alcohol, etc. D.

Here are some of the drugs that will help get rid of the sweating of the legs:

“Teimurov Paste” – a thick cream applied to the feet 2 times a day. Its main inconvenience – dirty socks, it is poorly washed off.

Formagel is a colorless gel, which includes 3, 7% formaldehyde. Helps to get rid of increased sweating of the legs after the first use.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as local, general UFO, ionophoresis, Sharko shower, UHF will help you get rid of increased sweating legs.

There are a number of preventive measures that allow not only to get rid of the sweating of the legs, but also to prevent its appearance:

– wearing shoes made of natural materials;

– frequent shoe change;

– daily shoes for shoes: drying, the use of special insoles, storage of shoes in ventilated places;

– Daily foot hygiene.

How to get rid of sweating legs: folk remedies.

You can get rid of sweating your feet using baths:

–  from oak and willow bark. To prepare it 2 t. tablespoons of oak and one tablespoon of willow bark pour 1, 5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes.

–  From the leaves of horsetail. Fill four tablespoons of horsetail leaves with 1 liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, dilute 1 liter of water. In 1 liter of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt.

– “Vinegar”. In two liters of water, dilute 3 tablespoons of table vinegar.

The duration of the foot baths is 15-20 minutes.

With the seeming frivolity of increased sweating of the legs, getting rid of it is a difficult and not always possible. Today, a huge amount of over -the -counter products is offered in free sale, promising to help get rid of sweating legs.   However, practice shows that local methods of treating sweating legs, such as the use of ointments, baths, antiperspirants, help get rid of sweating for a short time. Therefore, it is extremely important to visit a doctor, undergo an examination to identify the source of your problem and get comprehensive treatment.

be healthy!