
How to determine pregnancy without dough

There are many tests for determining pregnancy, but not everyone tends to trust them. The gynecologist can give the most accurate answer, but there is not always time to visit it. How to determine pregnancy without dough and without a visit to a gynecologist? Some women begin to sound the alarm on the first day of the delay in menstruation, but the delay can occur not only during pregnancy, but also because of the suffered stress, diseases, taking medications and many other factors. But indeed, the delay in menstruation is considered one of the signs of the alleged pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without dough: signs. These include:

– delayed menstruation;

– morning nausea;

– increased fatigue and irritability;

– Changing taste and appetite.

Yes, indeed, after conception, the character of a woman and her behavior begin to change under the influence of hormones. There are sharp mood swings and behavior that is not characteristic of this woman. Increased appetite and addiction to salty and sweet products will also indicate how to determine pregnancy without dough. How to determine pregnancy without dough? A woman should pay attention to physiological changes in the body: breast swelling, increased sensitivity of the nipples, the release of colostrum.

However, all these signs, how to determine pregnancy without a dough, are quite indirect and doubtful. There are other ways how to determine pregnancy without dough.

One of the most reliable ways how to determine pregnancy without dough is to measure basal temperature. But for this measurement should be carried out regularly to give a woman the opportunity to understand the features of her own menstrual cycle.

The cycle includes two phases. With the course of the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is reduced (less than 37 degrees), after ovulation and the occurrence of the second phase, the basal temperature rises (above 37 degrees). The phases, as a rule, last fourteen days, respectively, the cycle is 28 days.

How to determine pregnancy without dough? With deviations in the duration of the cycle, the highest changes in the first phase are the second, the second, as a rule, is more constant. You can have confidence that you are pregnant if the temperatures of the second phase are preserved when the first phase occurs (more than three days).

In general, in order to answer the question of how to determine pregnancy without dough, the use of the method alone is not enough, pay attention to the reaction of your body to external stimuli, measure the basal temperature. And best – visit a gynecologist, he will help you get rid of doubts.