
Family and family relations psychology

“Family is a cell of society”, taught us at school and at the university. Speaking of sociological terms, we, as it were, are isolated from understanding what the word “family” means for each of us. The psychology of the family and family relations is now coming to the fore, since the number of divorces is increasing every year, and those spouses who still remain together experience numerous problems. The psychology of the family and family relations is designed, first of all, to preserve the family and a favorable climate in it.

Why do family problems arise? The psychology of the family and family relations is trying to answer this question and help married pairs to avoid conflicts and crises.

Psychology of the family and family relations: the problem of “grinding”.

The development of any relationship consists of several phases, as the psychology of the family and family relations shows, the development of romantic relations begins with the phase of love. As a rule, this phase does not last long and ends with making a decision on co -living. Since that time, the spouses (legitimate or not) spend a lot of time together and are found not only on the agreed date, when everything is planned, and they are in a beautiful mood, but even when they are in a state of depression, irritability and fatigue. The psychology of the family and family relations can help spouses make the “grinding” process easier and more painless, since it is simply impossible to prevent this process due to many circumstances. Therefore, experts from the industry “Psychology of Family and Family Relations” advise not to rush to register relationships. When you successfully overcome the process of “grinding” (as a rule, it lasts no more than a year), then it will be possible to say with confidence that you are ready for serious family relations.

Psychology of family and family relations: the problem of differences in development.

As a rule, people who choose a life partner are looking for a person with a similar level of development, cultural worldview, interests. And, given the fact that the spouses spend a lot of time together, the differences begin to gradually erase. But the psychology of the family and family relations is confirmed by the fact that the differences may again appear. The psychology of the family and family relations claims that the main reason for the repeated occurrence of differences is the birth of a child. The woman goes on maternity leave, and the man is still engaged in promoting the career ladder and making money. Spouses begin to gradually move away from each other, having various interests and spending time in different ways. In this case, it is difficult to preserve the family, as the psychology of the family and family relations claims, if the spouses do not begin to look for a compromise and try to understand each other.

Psychology of family and family relations: the problem of middle -aged crisis.

The realization that life passes, and so many plans remain unrealized, pushes people to rash actions. For some reason, one of the spouses decides to change the “old” family to the “new”, and this does not always depend on the relationship in the family. Ideal relationships can be destroyed by a sudden understanding that you need to use every chance so that life does not flow so swiftly. The psychology of the family and family relations suggests that new novels with younger people, new hobbies that negatively affect the development of family relations are not uncommon. To avoid the destructive consequences of a middle -aged crisis, the psychology of the family and family relations recommends never to stop working on relationships, always try to look at the situation through the eyes of another spouse and support him in everything.