
Distribution of alternative energy

To date, telecommunication networks consume more than 1% of electricity around the world. Taking into account the rapid development of this sphere and the constant increase in the number of new subscribers and devices, the issue of optimizing the energy consumption of the industry, as well as the optimization of network management, is relevant. The company Emerson Network Power provides an analysis of the use of modern energy sources, as well as recommendations for the restructuring and modernization of the energy supply systems of the industry.

The development of energy supply systems of telecommunication networks can be carried out in two directions – this is restructuring and optimizing the composition of the current configuration, taking into account hybrid technologies, as well as the use of intellectual technologies. Modern solutions are aimed not only at reducing the costs of ensuring uninterrupted operation, but also to increase the efficiency of the management of the system as a whole.

If earlier hybrid solutions for the power supply of networks were static installations and were responsible for constant support for the operation of the equipment, today they have reached a qualitatively different level. Now they are responsible for the intellectual control of networks, which in turn includes many different tasks, in particular, reducing power at minimum load, rational use of energy carriers, developing a graph of maintenance and prevention, reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, calculating the duration of the batteries and much more. The use of modern technologies allows you to make the system as autonomous as possible, and also increases its effectiveness and durability.

Generators are one of the key elements of hybrid dynamic energy supply systems. Proper setting and adjustment of generators allows you to optimize the loading schedule for equipment and preventive work, as well as maximize the use of batteries.

To reduce expenses in hybrid systems, batteries are used. When choosing batteries, it is necessary to correctly calculate the power, design and type of electrolyte, as they are most susceptible to failure with the system of improper design.

One of the main alternative sources of power supply is solar energy. Today, these installations are effectively used around the world. In this case, it is necessary to correctly design and calculate the power power taking into account the climatic zone, weather conditions and seasonal changes in solar activity. In addition, the panels should be periodically served, since when contaminating the working surface, the effectiveness of their operation is reduced. Also, the use of wind energy allows you to reduce the cost of ensuring the operation of the system.