
Contraception after childbirth

Often, thoughts about contraception after childbirth do not even arise, somehow not all the time, and besides, the head is busy with other issues. Lack of menstruation makes you think that pregnancy is simply impossible. But this is not so. Ovulation occurs before the first menstruation, therefore, there is always a probability of getting pregnant.

Contraception after childbirth: Lactic amenorrhea

Quite often, a woman from all sides hears that breastfeeding reliably protects against pregnancy, and therefore does not think about choosing another method of contraception after childbirth. The method of lactation amenorrhea really works, but only until the moment the child is six months old, or until he begins to receive complementary foods. In addition to the above, the lactational amenorrhea can be used as a method of contraception after childbirth only if the mother feeds the child at least eight to ten times a day and, most importantly, without missing night feeding. That is, the breaks between feeding should be no more than four hours in the afternoon and six hours at night. A sharp change in feeding schedules, a decrease in the amount of application to the breast is always considered a risk factor, and increases the likelihood of pregnancy. In general, among women resorting to this method of contraception after childbirth, pregnancy occurs on average in two cases out of one hundred.

Contraception after childbirth: hormonal drugs

Contrary to widespread opinion, hormonal drugs can also be used as a contraception after childbirth. But, for those who breastfeeding, it should be mini-saws, that is, only those drugs that contain only gestagenes in their composition. And prescribe such hormonal contraception necessarily at least six weeks after childbirth. These drugs are taken without a break daily, if possible at the same time. A variety of hormonal contraception after childbirth is also injections that are made once every three months or subcutaneous implants, the validity of which can be five years.

Contraception after childbirth: intrauterine spiral

A spiral can also be installed as a contraceptive means six weeks after childbirth. This is done after the examination by a gynecologist if he confirms the complete restoration of the uterus and decides that the introduction of a spiral is possible. In some cases, this contraception is installed immediately after childbirth. But still, the introduction of an intrauterine remedy in the postpartum period is preferable, since in this case the probability of a spiral loss is reduced.

Contraception after childbirth: barrier methods

In this case, we are talking first of all about a condom, since the use of caps and sponges in the postpartum period is difficult and inappropriate. The condom, as a means of contraception, can begin to be used literally from the moment of resumption of sexual activity after childbirth. In addition to protection against unwanted pregnancy, the condom reduces the likelihood of infection, which is especially relevant in the first months after childbirth, when the woman’s body is still weakened, and the cervix is ​​slightly ajar. At the same time, choosing such a method of contraception after childbirth, it is often worth taking care of the acquisition of artificial lubrication in order to avoid discomfort that appears as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Naturally, we are talking about special gel lubricants, and not about improvised oil -based products (petroleum jelly, ordinary cream and the like) that violate the protective properties of the condom.

Contraception after childbirth: sterilization and abstinence

As a radical contraception, after childbirth, they also resort to sterilization, moreover, both male and female. Male sterilization – vasectomy – is an suppression on both sides of the erystopias, as a result of which attraction, erection and ability to achieve orgasm are not violated, but ejaculate will no longer contain sperm. This method is irreversible, because before deciding on it, you should carefully weigh everything. Female sterilization lies in the excision of the fallopian tubes, and it is also an irreversible method of contraception, in some cases, in the presence of medical indications, such sterilization is carried out immediately after birth.

Naturally, a hundred percent contraceptive effect gives complete abstinence from sexual relations, but this option is not always possible (and not always appropriate) from the point of view of both partners.