
Civil marriage division of property

Many young people prefer to live in a civil marriage, without formally formally formalized, since at first they are not interested in a civil marriage. But, nevertheless, this is a family, since people living both in an official marriage and in civilian children are being far away, they are far away, and acquire property. Unfortunately, such families also break up, and then the question arises of a civil marriage of the division of property how to implement.

Civil marriage shares of property does not imply when the relationship is terminated, since for unregistered marriages there is no concept of “joint property”. Therefore, in the case of “Civil marriage, the division of property” there are two exit options.

One of them is an agreement between former cohabitants on the voluntary division of property. If former civilian spouses manage to agree among themselves, then this will help save money, time and nerves. Unfortunately, such an outcome of events in the situation “Civil marriage of the division of property” is infrequent, because due to hostility to each other, the former civil spouses do not want to disperse “amicably”. As a rule, one of the cohabitants gets property, the other, in turn, is trying to get a share that is due to him.   Therefore, to restore justice, one has to resort to the second method in which a civil marriage division of property is carried out through the court.

Although in this case, the norms of family law are not applicable, the method of civil marriage divisions of property still exists. In judicial practice in such cases, a civil marriage section of property is based on the following principles:

– The fact of cohabitation of legal consequences does not entail;

– The conduct of a joint economy is also not legal, although relations in a civil marriage are similar to the relations of the official marriage;

– cohabitation and joint farming indicate that the couple living in a civil marriage considered the property jointly and did not share it;

– In the case of civil marriage, we are not talking about joint property, but about shared, therefore, in the case of civil marriage, the norms that relate to shared ownership are used;

– Civil marriage division of property provides for determining the share of each of the cohabitants. Given the fact that it is not possible to determine the contribution of each of the cohabitants to property, then the share of cohabitants are considered equivalent.

Civil marriage division of property involves the preparation of a claim containing:

– a detailed presentation of facts of acquiring expensive things, movable and immovable property;

– indication of documents that can confirm the fact of purchase of property;

– indication of witnesses confirming the fact of cohabitation, housekeeping and making purchases (acquaintances, relatives, friends);

– an indication of the property you are claiming and its value;

– The mandatory indication that you really consider the property to be common, since it is purchased for joint use for common money.

Thus, when using civil law, civil marriage is considered possible.