
Children are out of marriage

More and more often children are born out of marriage in our time. The reasons for the birth of a child out of marriage, as a rule, only two. The first, on which it is worth stopping a little, is the birth of a child “on occasion”. As a rule, this happens to young girls due to moral unassuming themselves. Here you may need the help of a psychologist if the girl decides to leave the child. She should well imagine what problems will fall on her shoulders. Children, in particular adolescence, should know and understand what erratic sexual ties are fraught with. It is best to remember the contraceptives all the time here. Parents and school should help tips in this matter.

The second reason for the birth of a child out of marriage is a deliberately planned birth of a child. A lonely woman gives birth to a child, first of all, to free from her loneliness or to keep a man.

If in such a way a woman wants to get rid of loneliness, you should think carefully, because she deliberately doom the child to the absence of one of the parents. First you need to realize the entire measure of responsibility before deciding on such a step: is there enough strength, responsibility and the ability to educate a worthy person? Of course, the child helps to forget loneliness, but exactly until the woman meets her beloved man. In this regard, the child does not need to replace love.

If a woman decided to give birth to a child to hold a man, then she apparently makes a big mistake. Psychologists have found that bachelors, especially 30-35-year-olds, are not sentimental. The appearance of the child “on the side” does not inspire them to marry. They believe that they will still meet true love, passion, and the birth of a child is an unexpected obstacle, an obstacle. Since an illegitimate child breaks the image of a strict and innocent groom, a man does not pay child support. Abroad, for example, to pay alimony is considered normal, as well as the arrival of a child born out of marriage, to the father on vacation. In Russia, probably due to a difficult financial situation, as well as due to the prevailing traditions, the payment of alimony is considered a stigma. And bachelors do not want to be “branded”. Moreover, they feel branded in moral terms, because they want to look pure and innocent before future love. Pharisence is inherent in such men, which manifests itself in indignation that the woman decided to give birth without their permission.

If the pregnancy was not planned, the woman needs to remember what to decide whether to leave the child or not. Moreover, according to researchers, in such a situation, getting married, as they say, is not the best option. Often such a marriage brings only disappointments, bitterness, boredom. A child can be born weak, because during pregnancy a woman is accompanied by severe experiences.

In conclusion, I would like to give one single advice: before you decide on such a step, you need to think very well so as not to make either yourself or your child to the unfortunate.