
Change the floor in the apartment

I began the next repair in my apartment by parsing the old floor in the hallway (ordinary boards on the lags), which (ideally) was supposed to lie on the cement-sandy screed. But either cement was stolen even in the process of building the building, or it “evaporated” during the operation of the apartment, but the base of the floor looked terrible. All this rubbish I shared a broom, and then sprunked the ceiling (for this I have a special old powerful vacuum cleaner). It turned out that the remaining bare plates have an uneven surface.

Initially, I planned to make the floor from the laminate, or lay the parquet. But in both cases, it would be necessary to pour a cement-sand screed, and then lay the sheets of thick plywood (as a base). So I would have to abandon the idea of ​​making a new floor in just a few days if I had not been prompted by one idea – a floor made of gypsum -fiber sheets with an bulk heater from expanded clay.

With thick polyethylene, I covered the entire space of the future sex in the hallway, slightly bent it on the walls. Then, along the perimeter of the room, I glued the brown tape (where there will be a joint of the floor with a wall). After that, he began to pour expanded clay, filling small areas. Typically, this technology involves exposing the beacons, but I had a very narrow and uncomfortable room, so I decided to do without them. The sprinkled expanded clay, I slightly tamped, and then aligned with the usual “level” in small areas (slightly larger than the size of the gvl sheet, which I was going to put on top – 60 by 120 cm). In this case, the height of the backfill should not be less than 4 cm.

From above I laid the sheets of GVL KNAUF, checking their horizontal, and missed the joints of the sheets with PVA glue; the edge adjacent to the wall. In order to “lay down” more than a gypsum fiber sheet, I had to use a rubber hammer for ram. He put sheets in the neighboring rows with a displacement so that the solid seam would not form through the entire room. Between themselves, I fastened them with the help of self -tapping screws (for reliability, at first, too, dipping them in glue). The finished floor “stood” for a day, then I put the seams, put a linoleum on it and installed a skirting board. The new floor turned out to be warm and even.