
Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment

What is vitamin deficiency signs and treatment of vitamin deficiency, and how it manifests itself? Avitaminosis is a lack of a certain vitamin or mineral substance (or several vitamins and minerals) in the body. This drawback is due to be wrong (unbalanced) nutrition, lack of regime, adverse environmental situation. As a result, metabolism and tissue updating are violated. Avitaminosis signs and treatment can have different ones, it depends on the missing substance. But there are general symptoms characteristic of vitamins deficiency.

Avitaminosis signs and treatment is:

– drowsiness and fatigue;

– irritability;

– absent -mindedness;

– insufficient concentration;

– Reducing immunity.

And treatment – replenishment of vitamin deficiency.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamin A.

Changing the organs of vision, the appearance of the so -called “chicken” blindness, dry conjunctiva. Manifestations also take place on the skin in the form of peeling and dryness, poor operation of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as the general malaise, disturbances in the nervous system are characteristic. You can eliminate these symptoms by increasing the amount of milk, meat, eggs, as well as tomatoes, carrots and apricots in your diet.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamin B1.

Fatigue, shortness of breath, frequent headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, swelling, lowering pressure. All this can lead to damage to the cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. Often a deficiency of vitamin B1 is characteristic of diabetes, pregnant and nursing women, people performing hard physical labor. Flour products (rye and wheat bread), egg yolks, peas, pork will help to make up for the lack of vitamin.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamin B2.

Decrease in appetite, weakness, headaches, carving in the eyes, frequent conjunctivitis, itching of the skin, violation of twilight vision. With non -fulfillment of vitamin deficiency, anemia is possible, impaired nervous system. The following products will help to make up for the deficit: dairy, eggs, bread, cereals. Food should be full -fledged.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamins B3 and PP.

Damage to the digestive system, nervous system and skin. The decrease in appetite, diarrhea alternating with constipation, vomiting are characteristic. With progressive vitamin deficiency: gastritis, polyneuritis, dementia, cramps are possible.   Fresh fish, meat, bread, legumes, nuts will help get rid of these symptoms.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamin B6.

Increased irritability, insomnia, inhibition, stomatitis, lack of appetite, dermatitis, anemia, polyneuritis. Full nutrition will help to overcome these symptoms with the obligatory inclusion of fish, liver, vegetables, meat, yeast in the diet.

Avitamin deficiency signs and treatment: deficiency of vitamin C.

Increased brittle blood vessels, weakness, gum bleeding. As a result – disturbances of the nervous system, anemia, dystrophy of mucous membranes. You can replenish the deficiency of vitamin C using citrus fruits, watermelons, black currants, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, rosehip broths.

Avitamin deficiency and treatment has various. A consultation with a doctor is very desirable.