
Trench drainage of the foundation of the house

Many owners do not think about the drainage of the foundation when designing and building a house, believing that concrete is not a tree, they are not afraid of moisture. This is an absolutely incorrect point of view, and it happens that it becomes obvious when the basement is already flooded. High humidity is a favorable environment for the development of mold and various fungi, which not only cause damage to property, but also harm the health of people living in the house. The drainage of the foundation is trench and outlet.

The trench option is the simplest and cheapest. It is suitable for light buildings with a shallow foundation and the absence of a basement floor. For such drainage, clay soil or loam is suitable – in this case, a “clay lock” is formed between the wall and the drainage system. The distance from the trench drainage to the wall should be within 1, 5-3 meters. The drainage pipe is laid below the level of the sole of the foundation, with a small inclination and covered with gravel and sand. It is advisable to use geokan between gravel and soil. Cleaning the system is carried out through the inspection well. If the foundation does not have waterproofing, it is worth thinking about the wall drain.

To date, there are many different types of flooring. But a special place among the arreas is a special place, . Since it combines a lot of advantages. This board is practical, durable, looks great in any interior. Therefore, more and more people choose this particular material.