
An ideal date

Each of us represents the perfect date in our own way. One dreams of being invited on the first date to a chic restaurant, the other appears to the film, the third is enough for a walk in the evening city. Whatever the perfect date in your dreams, you need to prepare for it. And, who knows, maybe reality will be better than all your dreams?!

So, the perfect date: Preparation.

Perfect date: outside view.

In preparation for a date, try to withstand the measure in everything. Too bright makeup or too frank outfit can cause a bewilderment of your dreams in a man, but too stiff appearance can confuse him. You should look natural: lipstick and slightly tinted eyelashes will be enough. With hairstyle, you should not experiment too much: clean and well -groomed hair, loose or gathered in a neat tail – your main weapon. Be sure to pay enough attention to your hands, and especially nails, they should be neat and clean. Do not paint your nails with too bright varnish, let the color be closer to natural. An ideal date – a date without excesses.

Perfect date: Clothing.

And back to the wardrobe again. Indeed, choosing a suitable outfit for a date is not so easy. The main principles when choosing clothes should be simplicity and comfort. The more comfortable you feel, the less reasons for concern you will be with you. Avoid too tight and open clothes. Such clothes will cause you inconvenience and confuse your perfect man. To be guided in choosing accessories, you need to feel a sense of proportion and good taste. Too many accessories can ruin even the best outfit. Choose any shoes, the main thing is that it is convenient, otherwise it can ruin even the most perfect date. And one more thing you must “put on” is a perfume. A light feminine aroma will turn his head to any man.

Perfect date: communication.

Before you meet your chosen one, you need to understand that in a conversation with him you need to be as tactful, especially in such controversial issues as religion, political views. Try to limit yourself to neutral topics: cinema, music, books – are there few of them for communication?!   Joke carefully, because the joke can be interpreted differently. And most importantly-before saying anything, think well. And be natural and relaxed.

Perfect date: mood.

Say that you should not be nervous is useless, perhaps. A little nervous, of course, you can, but do not panic. Set yourself in positive and romantic way. Believe me, your chosen one is nervous no less than you, but someone must remain calm?! Otherwise, the perfect date will turn out to be spent time. You are going on an ideal date, can something prevent this from preventing this?!