
Problems of repair of suburban housing

The most common problem of a country house is a peeling facade. It is quite simple to solve this problem with the help of professionals, it is only worth opening the Internet that is replete with various ads, such as we carry out rigging work in Moscow or the construction and repair of cottages and houses in the near Moscow Region. But making repairs on your own is quite real. First of all, you need to decide on the materials and the tool that you will need. Materials: putty, paint for facades, primer. Tools: roller, brush, wire brush, spatula, rubber tank. First of all, we fill in the cracks of the putty mass and let it dry. Then we carefully primer the walls, thereby preparing them for painting. And only after the final drying of the primer we proceed to the most important stage – painting walls. To do this, it is advisable to choose favorable weather. In severe heat, the paint dries instantly, which leads to visible differences between the individual surfaces. And in wet weather, condensate on the wall forms a wet film that will reject the paintwork.