
We align the concrete floor

The best material for aligning the floors is a solution that spreads spontaneously.

Alignment occurs in several stages:

1. Cleaning the surface with a vacuum cleaner. Next, it is washed with a calculated soda solution with a brush, washed with water and allowed the floor to dry for 2 days.

2. The cavities are also filled with self -growing solution, after which they allow the floor to dry (on average 12 hours).

3. Guided by the instructions, prepare a solution by mixing a dry mixture with water and thorough mixing, for example, a cell. In this case, portions are prepared in small volumes, since the solution begins to grasp after 10 minutes.

4. Before applying the solution, the floor is moistened with water, which in the future does not allow the solution when drying to form cracks.

5. Pour the solution on the floor surface one bucket.

6. If necessary, the process of spreading the solution is accelerated by distribution using a steel ironing. At the same time, the ironer is kept relative to the floor in parallel and move on the sides.

7. If it is not possible to level the ironing iron, then the surface is irrigated with water in order to prevent its drying and re -leveled.

The advancing warm spring days clearly recall that with the realization of the dream of your own country house, it is clearly worth a hurry!