
Perfectly healthy diet

When I start some new wedge, I am penetrating it completely. In the last article, I already said that I hate diets, that I have never been sitting on them at all, nevertheless, this does not mean that I am not interested in those. Diets – today it is a healthy diet! This is what I understood, meeting with one of my old acquaintance, who lost 15 kg in a year. You say it’s very slow? Tell me, you want to be healthy or just thin, sick and unhappy? First? Then get ready to fight yourself (this is so for starters), and then get ready for a long and painful process, which can be delayed even on all your life (if you have such an complexion that must be constantly maintained in a normal state). You have two choice: to suffer from the fact that you cannot lose weight, or from the fact that you are still bad from the fact that you are losing weight. Both that and the option is sad. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight: lose weight with your mood!

See yourself that you really want to lose weight, you want to be beautiful, that it’s not a victim on your part, but just a tribute to yourself – you give yourself another gift, effort and time for yourself beloved. It is unpleasant to play sports? Moscow was not built immediately! Get into this pain, tell yourself that soon the pain will change with a pleasant knit of muscle, soon that a month ago it seemed to you unimaginably difficult for you to be affordable.

As for the diet that I discovered, it is simple. Make yourself a diary and write down how many kilocalories you eat in a day. So spend a week: eat as always! If you do not cross the 2000 kilocalories border: what does it mean that your weight is not due to the number of calories- go to lighter food. Perhaps you consume these 2000 kilocalories with purely rolls (in principle, you did not eat and put on). If above 2000 calories, then feel free to slowly reduce this number. The first week is at least 300 calories, the next if you feel normally at 300-500, then another 300-500 and so until you reach 2000. Remember, you can sink as much as possible to 1,500 (I do not advise! It is necessary to eat – otherwise you will not be able to live and enjoy life!).

Another advice: look on the Internet, how much is the norm to consume carbohydrates, fats and protein – and consume this minimum, even if you have to abandon the coveted number 1500 in favor of 2000 calories. Fasten to lose weight in a gross: so that later your body does not have problems. Three months later, you will feel an impressive result, but provided that you also play sports.