
Individual diet

Modern society was literally obsessed with losing weight: the Internet and glossy magazines are full of diets, various weight loss methods are advertised and promoted on all television channels. But such a crazy madness is fraught with sad consequences: people seek to lose weight at all costs and do not want to think about the fact that not every diet will be useful to an individual organism in separate conditions – hence the cases of anorexia, bulimia and other diseases. The individual diet can help out from this papa situation and help to lose weight correctly.

Individual diet: concept and principles

The definition of an individual diet is quite simple: it is such a power system, the structure of which is developed by a professional dietitian, taking into account all the individual characteristics of a particular organism.

An individual diet can be called a balanced nutrition system, because there are no harsh restrictions in it that can inflict serious damage to the body’s health. Such a diet has general principles:

– The diet is developed on the basis of the study of all the nuances and the characteristics of each particular organism;

– diet is compiled on the basis of tests and a general assessment of the state of health of a person who wants to lose weight;

– In the individual diet there is no “hungry menu”, respectively, when observing it, there are no unpleasant side effects: weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea, distraction, and so on;

– Carefully calculated daily energy consumption;

– The diet is aimed at constant removal of harmful substances: accumulations of toxins and toxins, and this process goes regularly;

– Due to unique techniques, the body decreases dependence on sweet and high -calorie food products, which often occurs against the background of a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body;

– When compiling a diet, all possible chronic and current diseases are taken into account;

– The nutritionist takes into account even the financial situation of the losing weight, trying to compile a diet menu available in price;

– Professionals even develop a diet: the relevant recommendations allow you to adhere to the correct power system for a long time;

– The result of an individual diet should be parting overweight forever.

An individual diet can be regarded as a special nutrition system, the essence of which is in normalizing metabolism, enriching the body with vitamins and useful substances, developing useful “food habits”.

Individual diet: the opinion of scientists

The principles of an individual diet are supported by many scientists and professional dietitologists. And this is not surprising: after all, in their opinion, most popular diets are not only not effective, but also extremely harmful to the body, both in physiological and psychological terms.

Scientists recommend paying attention to the most effective diets – diets of athletes, which are always composed taking into account the characteristics of the body of a particular person and pushed away from this positive example, to seek a diet to professionals in the field of dietetics.