
Liquid diet

A liquid diet will reset up to three kilograms in just more than seven days. During compliance with this diet, you will not have to experience hunger inherent in many analogues, but in the end it will turn out, without much harm to health, get rid of surpluses. The effectiveness of this diet has been proved: during its compliance with the digestive tract is subjected to total stripping, many malicious substances are displayed, but this is not the most important factor. The main consequence is the reduction of the stomach that transfers its work to the filtration organs. Liquid food perfectly saturates perfectly, so there will be no discomfort for the duration of its observance.

Liquid diet menu

The diet of a liquid diet, although it does not contain the usual food, but is calculated so that you also do not have to starve either. It is worth noting separately that you can drink only boiled water. You need to eat with an interval per hour.

I. A quarter liter of Yushka oatmeal, the same amount of coffee or tea. II. A quarter of a liter of vegetable Yushka. III. A quarter of a liter of heated water. IV. A quarter of a liter of dissolved fruit juice (180 milliliters of juice dissolve in 70 milliliters of heated water). V. A quarter liter of skim milk (1. 5%). VI. A quarter of a liter of heated water. VII. A quarter liter of a fruit or berry miss. VIII. A quarter liter. IX. A quarter of a liter of heated water. X. A quarter of a liter of heated water. XI. A quarter of a liter of dissolved vegetable juice (180 milliliters of juice 70 milliliters of heated water). XII. A quarter of a liter of vegetable Yushka. XIII. A quarter of a liter of heated water. XIV. A quarter of a liter of kefir (from one and a half to two and a half percent of fat content).

The presented diet is very difficult to comply with the hourly schedule of liquids, and also because it is important to have constant access to the toilet. To comply with the regime, it is best to set the annual alarm signal.

Exit from a liquid diet

Any diet needs the right exit. In the case of a liquid diet, this is especially necessary, because receiving food in this way is a considerable stress for the body. It was for these reasons that the following phased return to the usual nutrition was created:

Stage No. 1:

I. A quarter liter of boiled vegetables and yogurt puree. II. 3 stewed tomatoes flavored with lean yogurt. III. A quarter liter of grated boiled carrots flooded with apple juice. IV. A quarter liter of grated boiled vegetables and 2 st. l. yogurt. V. A quarter of a liter of boiled cauliflower or pumpkin and the same amount of low fat kefir.

Stage No. 2:

I. Boiled vegetables, kolrabia with eggplant, flavored with yogurt. II. A quarter of a liter of semolina boiled on water. III. Vegetable soup-puree or salad of chopped vegetables with a slicer of bread. IV. A quarter of a liter of vegetable puree seasoned with milk (60 ml), unsweetened tea. V. A quarter liter of grated boiled carrots and raw cabbage.

Stage No. 3:

I. A quarter of a liter of porridge (semolina, rice or buckwheat) on low -fat milk, the same number of vegetable Yushka. II. Salad from raw vegetables, crouton. III. Thick soup with buckwheat or millet and mushrooms. IV. Any stew from vegetables. V. Unprofitable vegetable salad. A little bread with cheese or the same inadnantial cottage cheese.

Each stage must be observed one day. Accurate compliance with the diet and exit regulations will allow you to comfortably reset the unnecessary mass and not to earn difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a diet is not suitable for people with kidney and liver problems. Food for liquids forces these filtration organs to function especially intensively, which can aggravate existing diseases or lead to new. If it is impossible to consult a doctor, it is better to choose another diet.