
How to cook fish in batter.

Fish in batter is a popular, healthy and simple dish. Everyone knows that the fish is not only easily absorbed, but also extremely rich in beneficial substances, polyunsaturated fats and vitamins. The most useful is sea fish, it has more iodine and fluorine, and besides, it practically does not cause allergies.

Cooking process

You can just fry or cook fish, you also sometimes need to do something special, for example, fish in batter. Crane – a sparse dough, it is dipped in it, as in panning of fish slices immediately before cooking. The composition of the curtain can be very different, but the method of frying is always one. First you need to cut fish with not large slices, roll them in batter and fry in sufficient amounts of oil. This gives us thermal processing of the product, without violating all the nutritional properties. If you can’t eat fried, then you can remove the crust and eat exclusively fish.

The method allows you to get fish with a very delicate taste.

Preparation of dishes

Before preparing the dish, prepare the dishes. For frying fish, a pan with thick walls of medium size is suitable for us. You also need a fork that we will prolong our pieces and collapse in batter, forceps to get ready -made pieces and a dish where to fold the fish. At the bottom of the dish, be sure to put paper towels or simple sheets of paper, they absorb excess oil, spoiling taste.

The second stage will be the preparation of products

Usually, any variety of fish is suitable for a bat, it is desirable that it be fillet. If you want to save, you can make the fillet yourself. To do this, take a whole fish, remove the scales, remove the guts, head, tail, all bones and rinse with cool running water.

When preparing fish in batter, it is worth observing several simple rules that guarantee you success.

Before frying fish, warm up the pan well. If this is not done, then how the batter will spread and aesthetically finished dish will not look beautiful. Knead the batter correctly, if you add, too much flour, then the dough, again, will spread. But do not overdo it, too much flour will ruin the taste of the dish.

Think about what crust do you want to get. If you do not close the pan during frying, then it is crispy. And if you close, then the crust will turn out soft and juicy.

Do not save place

If too many pieces are put on the pan, then in the process of frying they can stick together and have not a beautiful view. And also, the oil temperature is reduced if you put too much product.

That’s all, the fish is ready in the tuck! You can serve it with a side dish, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce. For giving and jewelry, you can use greens, vegetables, lemon. As well as come up with a jewelry to your taste.