
Wen on the face how to get rid of

Popures of a well -known phrase, we can say that a face is a mirror of our soul. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it is beautiful and well -groomed. Ordinary care is not problems, you just need to use suitable means. But if such a cosmetic problem arises as wen on the face how to get rid of them? There are several ways, but first you need to figure out what the wen on the face is how to get rid of this problem.

This education is called the wen in the common people, in medicine the wen is called the “lipoma”. Wen on the face how to get rid of this problem?  The word comes from the Latin words “lipos” – “fat” and “OMA”, which means “tumor”. If acne can be fought with cleansing agents, then wen on the face how to get rid of the problem. Lipoma consists of adipose tissue cells, and given that the adipose tissue is located almost under the surface of the entire skin, the wen can appear anywhere. But, you must admit that the greatest psychological discomfort cause wen on the face how to get rid of them becomes the main issue. An even greater nuisance is caused by the fact that the wen has the ability to grow, increasing every day.

Although it is believed that the wen on the face how to get rid of the face, it is still necessary the help of a qualified specialist who will confidently tell you that the lipoma needs to be treated or removed.

Wen on the face how to get rid of many problems if the neoplasm is not running. Lipoma treatment is carried out by introducing a certain drug into it, which will contribute to the resorption of the formation. This method is effective for small wizards. A positive result will be visible in a month or two.

If the size of the lipoma exceeds 3 centimeters in diameter, then the intervention of the surgeon is necessary. Wen on the face how to get rid of them with the help? It is possible to remove with a scalpel or with laser surgery.

Wen on the face how to get rid of folk remedies? There are also folk methods for the treatment of lip.  It is recommended to apply films from chicken eggs to the wen, replacing them as it dries. As an effective tool, cinnamon is recommended, which should be taken 1, 5-2 teaspoon daily until the wen disappears. Wen on the face how to get rid of folk remedies, cannot guarantee one hundred percent recovery.

But keep in mind that if folk remedies do not help for a long time, then it is better to see a doctor and get rid of this problem as soon as possible.