
How long to breastfeed

Unfortunately, a single answer to the question “How long to breastfeed?»No, although this issue is acute for many nursing mothers. The answers to your questions about how long to breastfeeding a baby, you will find in our article.

As a rule, mother has a question about how to breastfeed a baby, when, after a certain amount of time, she wants to stop breastfeeding. And here the question is not only whether breast milk is useful, for example, for babies older than a year. Maternal milk gives the child a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients that provide it with proper development and good immunity, and this is no secret to anyone. Usually the desire to interrupt breastfeeding and forget about the question “How long to breastfeed?»Associated with external factors, such as a misunderstanding of others, mother’s exit to work and the like. In addition, a huge amount of supposedly full -fledged substitutes for breast milk clearly does not have a positive effect on the desire of the mother to continue breastfeeding and the question of how long to breastfeeding the baby simply becomes irrelevant.

Experts, answering the question “How long to breastfeed?”, Unanimously repeated:” The longer, the better “.   Within reasonable limits, of course. They, based on numerous studies, came to the conclusion that feeding a child up to 2-3 years old, not just correctly, but the only right, if it is not complicated by external circumstances. How long to breastfeed? Huge work in the study of how long to breastfeed, was carried out by the UNICEF Foundation and the minimum period of breastfeeding, voiced by this fund, is two years. The Fund provided confirmation that the duration of breastfeeding has a direct impact on the mental and physical development of the baby, as well as on his mental health and immunity.

Will help you find the answer to the question “How long to breastfeed?”And the next information. The baby during the sucking of the chest satisfies not only his need for food. Firstly, when the baby is applied to the chest, he feels comfortable and safe. Secondly, the substances that make up breast milk help adjust the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, quench pain, and also have an anti-stress effect.

It should be noted that the correct decision is how long to breastfeeding a baby will help you make the fact that prolonged breastfeeding has a positive effect for the health of the mother: the risk of diseases of the breast and ovaries is reduced, the reproductive system “rests” and decreases and decreases weight.

How long to breastfeeding a baby is to solve only you, but you should not ignore the facts.