
How to quickly get rid of a hangover

The best way to quickly get rid of a hangover is, of course, the failure of alcohol in general. However, how many will decide on it? For some, alcohol is a means for relaxing at the end of a hard working week, others do not imagine a fun pastime in an absolutely sober company, and what kind of holiday can do without alcoholic beverages? Therefore, it is easier for people to look for the answer to the question “How to quickly get rid of a hangover?”Than not to drink at all.  If it is difficult to do without alcohol, then the main rule in order not to suffer in the morning the question “how to quickly get rid of a hangover” is to know the measure. And to know exactly your measure, do not equal and not chase friends or colleagues, but allow yourself to drink no more than the dose that is safe for you so that there is no desire to look for the answer to the question “How quickly gets rid of a hangover?”.

If you still crossed, and the next morning your head is split, there is such dry mouth that you can devastate world water reserves, and the phrase “It would be better if I died yesterday” is spinning in your head, here are some tips on how get rid of a hangover.

The best way to get rid of a hangover is to prevent this state. If you can’t drink at all, use simple tips that will help you survive the next morning at the party.

– Never consume alcohol on an empty stomach, how to quickly get rid of a hangover – before the feast, be sure to take the opportunity to eat. If you drink strong alcohol at the table, you need to bite them, so eat more salads, a dense dinner is a sure way to get rid of a hangover quickly;

– During the feast, try to consume as much liquid as possible (non -alcoholic!): water and juices, this is also an effective way to get rid of a hangover quickly.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover: coming home.

If you are already at home, drink 1-2 cups of simple water before bedtime and go to bed. Alcohol provokes dehydration of the body, how to quickly get rid of a hangover – the water balance should be restored. I advise you to take a couple of aspirin tablets before bedtime, which will help you in the morning not to feel “like from the cross removed” and how quickly it gets rid of a hangover. Try to sleep as much as possible.

How to quickly get rid of a hangover: heavy morning.

If you have not taken advantage of the above tips on how to quickly get rid of a hangover or they did not work, here are the advice on how to quickly get rid of a hangover:

– Drink more fluids: water, juice, kefir, green tea, avoid coffee and in no case are “treated” with alcohol, as this can lead to binge;

– how to quickly get rid of a hangover? Be sure to eat, after abundant libations on the eve, your body is weakened, because alcohol is a real poison, and the body needs strength to withdraw it;

– Take a contrast shower or not too hot bath with lavender, do not overdo it with the temperature of the water, your receptors now cannot objectively respond to external irritants;

– With severe headache, attach something cold to your forehead and hold it for a while;

– How to quickly get rid of a hangover – you can resort to the help of special drugs that relieve a hangover syndrome;

– If the body breaks to self -cleaning, and you feel nausea, how to quickly get rid of a hangover? Do not hard on, the body does everything correctly, trying to remove the poison.

All these tips how to quickly get rid of a hangover are good as emergency and irregular. If you begin to notice that you resort to them more and more often, then it is time to tie up with alcohol. Believe me, looking at the world with sober eyes is much more fun and more pleasant.