
Shrimp salad

On any table, shrimp salad will look elegant and desired. We suggest you prepare an excellent salad of Vietnamese cuisine, the main component of which will be shrimp.

This dish requires some preparation, which you need to start 6 hours before the main process. So, we start!

Shrimp salad. Preparatory stage.

Six hours before the preparation of salad, you need to prepare a Thai dressing with lime. To do this, put 125 milliliters of lime juice in one jar, 2 chopped garlic teeth, 1 finely chopped red chili, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 2 sticks of chopped lemon sorghum, a cut piece of fresh ginger, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce and 1 tablespoon of chopped corbacha leaves. Close the vessel tightly and shake until the ingredients are completely mixed. Leave the contents of the jar to wait for the moment when it is needed for shrimp salad.

After another three hours, we subtly chop 12 heads of the onion of the shat and mix with 100 grams of wheat flour. Then we take a pan with a thick bottom, pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and wait until it heats up. When it begins to foam from the touch of onions, with the help of a slotted spoon we lower the onion-municipal mixture in the pan. After three minutes of stirring the contents of the pan, we take out a golden onion (again with a slotted spoon) and put it on paper towels. We expect another three hours and take the shrimp salad itself directly.

Shrimp salad. The main process.

This dish requires 24 shrimp, which we mix with four tablespoons of prepared refueling and pickle them for 15 minutes. Then we lay out two dozen shrimp in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry for about 4 minutes (2 minutes per side). After that, we transfer them to a dish in which you will serve a shrimp salad.

Next, take 1 bell pepper, two fresh cucumbers of medium sizes, 1 red chili and clean them of seeds. Finely chop 1 head of red onion, 2 carrots, peeled peppers and cucumbers, as well as 20 grams of mint and the same number of fresh coriander. We add all this and the onion to the shrimp on the shrimp.

Our shrimp salad is almost ready! It remains only to mix the contents of the salad bowl well, which we do.

The shrimp salad takes an average of about 45 minutes, if you do not take into account the time to prepare the gas station and the onion-mock mixture. Bon appetit!