
Mimic muscles

When the facial muscles are reduced, certain areas of the skin begin to shift, which is accompanied. In addition, the facial muscles of the face are responsible for reducing or increasing natural holes: nostrils, mouth, eye. Each group of facial muscles or a separate muscle have their own functions.

Eye muscles group

These include the following facial expressions located in the area of ​​the organs of vision:

The occipital group consists of two parts: a frontal abdomen and an occipital abdomen. These facial muscles are very important. So, the occipital abdomen with reduction contributes to the displacement of the scalp, as well as a kind of helmet, which is a dense tendon plate placed under the skin of the head. This movement is directed back to the back. Of course, the facial muscle tissues of the eye circumference will not be able to function fully without a frontal abdomen that forms deep transverse folds on the forehead, which determines the raising of the eyebrows and the expansion of the eye cracks. There are facial muscles that form the occipital group in various places: the occipital abdomen begins in the upper occipital of the occipital bone and is attached to the rear of the tendon helmet. At the same time, the frontal abdomen originates in the area of ​​the tendon helmet and attaches to the skin of the eyebrows;

The muscle responsible for wrinkling the eyebrows, contracting, helps to displacement of this part of the face down and a little inside, to the area of ​​the nose bridge. Mimic muscle tissue such, like this, often cause wrinkles, since they lead to the formation of two deep longitudinal folds over the bridge of the nose directed from the eyebrows up. It begins above the lacrimal bone located in the forehead, and attaches to the skin of the eyebrows;

Circular muscle tissues of the eye are, in fact, three facial muscles: centuries -old, orbital and tearful. Когда сокращается глазничная часть мышцы, сужается глазная щель, разглаживаются лобные поперечные складки и опускаются брови. The centuries of muscle tissue is responsible for the complete closing of the eye gap. With a contraction of the lacrimal muscle, the tear bag is expanded. All these mimic organs of movement together form an ellipse;

The ear facial muscles consist of the upper, front and back. The upper and front groups cover the temporal fascia. These parts of the face are well developed. When they are reduced, the auricle is displaced slightly up, forward and backward.

Mimic muscles located around the nose

In the area of ​​the nose is the nasal muscle, which is divided by two facial muscles: transverse and roof. When the roof is reduced, the wing of the nose is lowering, and the transverse muscle is responsible for narrowing the nasal opening. These facial muscles begin in the area of ​​the alveoli fang and incisor on the upper jaw. The crowd muscle is attached to the skin of the wings of the nose, and the transverse in the back of the nose, where both organs of movement are interconnected.

The muscles located in the area of ​​the mouth

In the area of ​​the mouth, the facial muscles of the face are represented very diverse. Here are such from them as:

Small and large zygomatic facial muscles that shift the corners of the mouth to the side and up. They begin on the temporal and lateral surface of the cheekbone, and at the place of fastening they are connected to the circular muscle of the oral region;

The buccal muscle, as well as the organ responsible for laughter, is the facial muscles that play a large role in creating a particular expression. The beginning of the buccal muscle is on the outer surface of the lower and upper jaw, in the alveoli area, and it is attached in the corners of the mouth to the skin of the lips, connecting to the muscles of the lower and upper lips. The muscle of laughter is not constant. Its function consists in stretching the angles of the mouth to the sides. She takes the beginning near chewing fascia and nasolabial fold;

The circular muscle of the mouth is numerous facial muscles that are located in the thickness of the lips around the perimeter of the circle. When it is reduced, the lips are slightly ahead, and the mouth closes. Its point point is located in the corners of the mouth;

There are also facial muscles that raise and lower the corners of the mouth. The muscle that raises the angle of the mouth makes the displacement of the corners of the lips to the side and up and is located in the fang fossa in the area of ​​the upper jaw. The facial muscle, which lowers the angle of the mouth, contracting, helps to lower the corners of the mouth down and to the side. It begins under the chin hole on the lower jaw, more precisely, on its front surface;

Mimic muscles are also responsible for lip movements that can raise and lower them. The first of them originates at the undergrave edge in the maxillary section, and the second – in front of the chin hole located on the front surface of the lower jaw.